Naturopathic Principles
How does a Naturopathic Medical Doctor (NMD) differ from my General Practice Medical Doctor (MD)?
As an NMD "Dr. Star" gets to spend more one-on-one time with you to get to know your medical history, listen to your concerns, encourage your healing and let you be part of the decision making. In comparison to some primary care physicians who are limited with their visit times due to insurance regularities. In some medical facilities you spend more time with the staff than you actually do with the doctor. "Dr. Star" makes your concerns her concerns by putting your health needs first.
"Dr. Star" wears the same tool belt as Medical
Doctors only hers' has more tools, which
benefits you and your body's repair. Another
great aspect to the care that she offers
is that she provides you with more options
to help you handle your care, in the
manner you want. As a Naturopathic
Medical Doctor she can make a
difference in your life with
her undivided attention
along this new and
natural path to your long
term health and happiness.
Naturopathic Principles in Practice
Primum Non Nocere – First Do No Harm
This is a physician’s pledge first and foremost to “do no harm.” To explore safe and natural alternatives to drugs in the treatment of physical, mental, emotional, and physical illness.
Vis Medicatrix Naturae – Healing Power of Nature
To teach methods of treatment that supports the body’s natural and inherent healing mechanisms. This is the foundation in clinical and physical diagnosis, which is the cornerstone of quality naturopathic medicine. We will utilize therapeutics to stimulate the vital force of our patients to reach homeostasis.
Tolle Causam – Find the Cause
Exploration for underlying causes of physical illness, particularly those that are rooted in the mental, emotional, and energetic realm. This is the fundamental research done on a case by case situation in order to find the root cause to an individual’s disease processes.
Tolle Totum – Treat the Whole Person
The complex interaction of physical, emotional, social, mental, and other inter-related factors that affect one’s over-all health. The mind body interview can address multiple aspects of the patient’s experience, providing a holistic experience for both the patient and doctor.
Docere – Doctor as Teacher
Explain methods of healing that can be taught to patients to heal themselves with guided education on physiological and nutritional expression.
Prevenir – Prevention is the Best Cure
Lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise should always be considered as part of the treatment when obtaining a healthy life.
"Your health is a reflection of your efforts and the care you give yourself. Once you recognize your capabilities, you start becoming the best
version of yourself."
~ Dr. Estrella Sandoval-Becker, NMD